Poison my love
Her mother's father gently tilted her head in the right direction. On a snowy branch her lover perched, an arrow notched at the ready. The silver and flint tip caught stray moonlight to twinkle like stars on a cloudless summer night. He was hunting for her kind.
A silent tear trailed down her cheek, followed by others. She wondered that the forest did not echo with the sound of her heart breaking. The pain robbed her limbs of vigor, her ears deaf to the world beyond her sorrow.
But the gentle prod on her upper meridian sent a shock of energy coursing through her limp body, clearing her mind. The clarity of duty made it easy to discard the false promises whispered by her lover, poisoning the roots of love entrenched in her heart.
She slipped away in the shadows with her mother's father. She needed time to regroup and marshal her thoughts. This time, the bastion of the garl will fall for good. She will make sure of it.
Inspired by art by Ashram entitled Hades and Persephone.
Puisi Ratap Masyarakat
Anak-anak Pelacur
bersama bulan yang berlendir
di ujung tabir
anak-anak pelacur berzikir
keciciran mereka belum berakhir
Anak-anak pelacur
menanti di rahang kubur
mengunyah sebutir bubur
rezekinya dari urat-urat
nasibnya dari nanah-nanah
Anak-anak pelacur
diajakinya malaikat berhiba
diajakinya alim-ulama berbicara
tentang perut-perut lapar
tentang hati kembara
tentang kaki-kaki yang pecah
di lumpur berkaca
dan anak-anak pelacur
seekor anjing menjilat bibirnya
seekor babi mencium keningnya
dalam, azan pagi merah-menyala
Berita Minggu
7 April 1974
Mohamed Latiff Mohamed
Aku biasanya tak berapa minat puisi. Akalku terlalu lurus untuk
menyelami maksud tersirat; aku hanya menatap apa yang tersurat. Tapi
bila aku terbaca puisi ini di lembaran Mukabuku sahabatku Tuan Suhaimi
di Kota Singa, terus aku disapa niat untuk mengongsi rangkap-rangkap
Aku tak tau bagaimana nak menyatakan
kenapa puisi ini menangkap perhatianku. Mungkin kerana kejujurannya
tidak dilapik segan-silu yang memualkan.
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